Post-Surgery Update

Posted by Andrew & Jessica on Friday Jun 5, 2009 Under Mary Elizabeth

Mary Elizabeth did awesome with the last surgery. Only 4-5 hrs after surgery (when she woke up) she was up and chatting, busy, playing, eating, smiling etc. What a good thing to see. She had no pain meds what-so-ever and they did what they needed to do. They did some areas to her left side (which is the ‘better’ side) because they wanted to give the right side a break and there was still some to do on the Left side. They also injected some areas under and around her chin. 

The first day of surgery she looked and felt fabulous as you can see by this picture. The day after surgery she did swell up a bit as we usually see. But not quite as bad at all. We definitely have seen worse, and now just over a week later she looks very good. I don’t think unless you really look you can tell all that much that she’s swollen at this point. So yay for that!!!

So here’s a bit of info as to why she had an easy time this time. They started her injections (4 times ago) with using an agent to inject we’ll call "Agent A" this agent they have seen work well, but it causes a LOT of swelling and some burning feeling/pain. So her first sclero was the worst she ever had and that is why. They started leaning towards another agent- we’ll call "Agent B", and because of that- her 2nd and 3rd sclerotherapies had a mix of both agents, so they were not the greatest, but not as bad as the first. However, she had good results with all of these. This time they went strictly with "Agent B" since that seems to still produce good results without the pain and excessive swelling. All of the sclerosing agents will cause swelling though.

So I’m praying for continued good results and that we’ll be able to stick with "Agent B" since it’s easier on her.

We go back in about 6 weeks to discuss the next step. They are thinking they may do a few more of these sclerotherapy procedures. They are doing all they can with injections as it is less invasive than making an incision of course.

Keep her in your prayers and as always we will keep you posted.

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