Surgery Cancelled & so forth…

Posted by Andrew & Jessica on Wednesday Sep 12, 2007 Under Mary Elizabeth

That’s right, we had to cancel! ME is sick- well she’s barely sick but enough to have to cancel. I’m sure it’s because we’ve been at a lot of events lately, but she caught a little cold. And that’s really all it is. No fever, she’s happy, having fun, eating and everything. It’s just a clear mucous runny nose (or in her case a runny trach).

This was a real disappointment for us since the surgery is a big one, hard to schedule and has a long recovery. It was really perfect timing for us to have it done tomorrow. However, there’s nothing we can do. The dr will be gone for 3 weeks. The office is trying very hard to schedule us right after she gets back, the sooner the better as we don’t want it to get too close to November as that’s close to my due date in very early December.

However, Dr Waner was going to do a steroid injection before they did the sclerotherapy injections tomorrow to help with the swelling of her tongue from the last laser procedure. He needs to have that done from 4-6 weeks after the laser. So we might be going to do that next week. That has no recovery time and we’re in and out of the hospital within an hour or so.

I’ll update everyone with the dates as soon as they are scheduled & official. 


ME is now in her big girl bed. That’s right… out of the crib and into the toddler bed. It was beginning to get me nervous as my little girl so easily went to bed all the time and slept very well… and it was very hard to get her in the toddler bed. But just a few days of persistence and she is doing wonderfully, sleeping well and going to bed well in it. She’s such a good little/big girl! 😉 It is a bit harder with nap time but we’ll get there. YAY for ME!!!!

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