
Posted by Andrew & Jessica on Thursday Nov 8, 2007 Under Andrew, Mary Elizabeth

It’s hospital time all-around…

Last night I went to the hospital- no worries- just for a hospital tour! I was the only non-first-time mom
there. Kinda weird huh, but I was sent to a higher level NICU hospital
with ME, had no tour or anything and well everything is so different
that it’s almost like I’m experiencing it for the first time. So I had
the tour because I didn’t deliver there before or know where to go/what
to do exactly. It was exciting, and wow under a month away- so surreal.
do have to say it brought back memories of when ME was born and some
good memories and not so good ones, a reminder of how very far from
normal things were, ya know. We also visited the NICU area they have
there (without going in though) and I thought about all the moms inside who must be going through
a lot. Anyway, I was glad to be there on tour though- as I’m hopeful that all
will go well this time around and I feel blessed that things have gone well up to this point.

Also last night, Andy’s cousin Christine went into labor and gave birth this morning to baby Owen. He was exactly 2 weeks late so she was pretty anxious to have him. We’re excited to meet him and from the pictures he’s adorable and precious. He came into the world this morning at 8:25am weight 9 1/2 lbs and was 22 inches long. Big beautiful boy! 🙂

Then, on the not so fun side of things- we were at the
hospital in the city today. ME was going for Dental xrays and some dental
work (done while under anesthesia). This is no minor type of dental work. Her teeth were rotting away from the build up that pools under her tongue and the lack of saliva she has due to her condition. It was inevitable she’d have problems and her teeth were rotting, especially on the bottom. So the result was 3 pulled baby teeth, 2 baby root canals, 2 silver caps put on, and some bonding/filling on the top. Basically her top teeth look good and are doing ok, and the bottom were just awful. So 3 in the bottom front are gone, and then one on each side toward the back has a big silver cap. So her bottom row doesn’t look too pretty right now. And while that is sad & unfortunate and makes us upset- we know it’s for the best as we do not want her future teeth compromised. And she could’ve gotten infections and whatnot.
Her dentist is a specialist of course, and he is one of the sweetest Doctors we’ve come across, it was obvious he cared very much about doing his best for Mary Elizabeth. He was happy to report that the xrays showed that her adult teeth are nicely aligned and under the gums so all should be ok for the future with that and that’s what matters.
For now, the only extra step we have is a fluoride rub to put on her teeth twice a week which we will do continually to keep her teeth as healthy as they possibly can be.

That’s pretty much it for hospitals now…. well until baby #2 wants to come out and be welcomed into the world – which is coming soon I’m sure as I’m over 36 weeks pregnant (less than a month left to go!)

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