what they are up to…

Posted by Andrew & Jessica on Wednesday Jan 28, 2009 Under Andrew, Mary Elizabeth

Mary Elizabeth– After her strep and infection in her cysts/chin area… she was itching from the swelling in her chin. She gave herself some scratches, which she picked at. Then she was scabbing up. So her chin was a mess for a bit. It is better, but still has a big scab underneath in one area. And she of course is better and well.
She loves school and so do we- especially in the winter. It’s hard… she misses her swingset and going to the park! Ever since she was a baby and had Physical Therapy for that short while, they said she was advanced in her fine motor skills. Well her current teachers and speech therapists of today tend to agree that she still is. She is cutting and pasting like a 5-6 year old. She’s very crafty and creative. Lately her favorite thing to do is paint mommy’s nails (both fingers and toes). I feared my 3 1/2 yr old doing this- but she actually did a decent job!!
We’re trying to visit, have play dates and do as much as we can as we have her next surgery coming up on February 10th. A reminder that this is the sclerotherapy/injections again. So we know that means swelling and discomfort for her. Please keep her in your prayers as always.

 Drew- Gosh he’s 14 months already. He’s getting big, fast and learning lots of tricks from his big sister. He’s climbing on everything and being totally boyish! He is of course a big mush and a sweetheart though. He keeps chattering away and though a lot of it is still babble – we hear him saying lots of words. Such as: Hi, Bye, Mama, Dada, Teeth, Row Row (as in row row your boat), Trees, Shoes etc. He even said Shiva the other day (Uncle David’s doggie’s name). He tries to say "grandma" and I realize he is trying to say Mary Elizabeth which is REALLY HARD, and comes out like "ShaSha" – as if he’s trying to say the Elizabeth part the most. Hard to explain of course.
He did ok after the strep, and all is well expect for some teething here and there. He’s only got 2 teeth right now, I think we’re looking at a 3rd soon though.
He goes for his 15 month check up next month. I know he’s doing rather well though. And in March he goes for his follow up eye exam for the lazy eye (which as mentioned we only see after he wakes up from naps). Well, I have to say that I am seeing it a whole lot less- if at all. So I dunno if there was improvement or what. I guess we shall see.

Both kids are doing good with eating. They will eat a variety of things, but if you really want them to eat a lot- feed them one of the following: pasta/meatballs/chicken nuggets/macaroni & cheese/hot dogs/peas. Well at least we have the peas in there. Yea they’ll actually eat their peas. Especially when I put it in the macaroni & cheese which is my trick for getting them to eat more greens!

All in all they are great, they love eachother so much and have a lot of fun- they also drive us crazy but that’s toddler-hood for ya 😉

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